The GED Science is one of the four GED subtests that you need to take to earn a GED certificate. However, some test takers may find this subject test hard to pass. Follow our GED Science study guide to know everything to do well on the test. 


1. What Will Be Tested On The GED Science Test?


The GED Science test gauges candidates’ ability to understand, interpret and apply science information. You will be given 90 minutes to complete 40 questions that are based on reading passages, graphics such as maps, graphs, diagrams and tables or a combination of the two. 


ged science study guide


To pass the GED Science test and obtain a GED certificate, you must gain a minimum score of 145 out of 200 points. 


GED Science Content Areas:


  • Life Science (40%): covers topics such as human body systems, health and nutrition, genetics and DNA, heredity and reproduction, evolution and natural selection, cell structures and processes and the organization of ecosystems.


  • Earth and Space Science (20%): covers topics including plate tectonics, geological cycles and processes, weather and climate, the solar system, the structure of Earth,  renewable and nonrenewable natural resources and the universe.


  • Physical Science (40%): covers topics including properties and states of matter, chemical reactions, motion and forces, waves, electricity, energy and work, atoms and molecules and magnetism.


>>> Read more: GED Social Studies Study Guide


GED Science Practices 


Apart from testing your comprehension of science passages and graphics, questions on the GED Science test are based on your understanding of skills that are utilized in investigation and scientific study. These skills are known as Science Practices. The science practices contain the following: 


  • Comprehend Scientific Presentations to interpret passages and graphics


  • Use the Scientific Method to design investigations, reason from data, and work with findings


  • Reason with Scientific Information to evaluate conclusions with evidence


  • Apply Concepts and Formulas to express scientific information and apply scientific theories


  • Use Probabilities and Statistics in a science context


>>> Practice now: GED Science Practice Test


You will see in this GED Science study guide not only the structure of the test but also frequently asked questions (FAQs) about it.


2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About The GED Science Test


2.1. Is the GED Science test hard?


The GED Science test may be difficult if you don’t have a thorough preparation for it. Nevertheless, if you read this GED Science study guide combined with practicing on a daily basis, you will find it not too challenging. 


2.2. How many questions are on the GED Science test?


There are around 40 questions on the GED Science test, but the number of questions may vary depending on which test you get. There may be 16 life science questions, 16 physical science questions and 8 Earth and space science questions.


2.3. How many questions can I get wrong on the GED Science test?


On the GED Science subtest in particular and the GED test in general, you don’t need to get all questions correct. There are 40 questions on the GED Science test and you will be scored on the 100-200 range. You only need to obtain a minimum score of 145 to pass the test. The exact number of questions may vary depending on different versions of the test; however, you may miss up to 20 questions on a 40-question test. Of course, it’s better to aim to get higher scores, but you just need to know that you have a lot of room to make mistakes. 

>>> Learn More: GED Language Arts Study Guide


2.4. How long is the GED Science test?


The GED Science test is 90 minutes (one hour and a half). You will not have a break during the test. 


2.5. What kinds of questions are on the GED Science test?


When taking the Science section of the GED test, you will have 90 minutes to complete the entire section. It includes answering multiple-choice questions as well as items of these types:


The GED Science test comprises the following types of questions: 


  • Multiple choice: This type of question requires candidates to choose the best answer from four answer options. 
  • Fill-in-the-blank: This kind of question requires candidates to type a word or short phrase in an answer box.
  • Drag-and-drop: With this type of question, you will be asked to move an item on the screen from one place to another. The question type is designed to check your ability to place an event in sequence or an object in category
  • Drop-down: After choosing your answer from a drop-drag menu, the text on the screen will change to show how your answer is suitable to the item text. 
  • Hot spot: This question type require test takers to mark a particular spot on the screen by clicking on it

Read More: Top 9 FAQs about GED Transcripts


3. Tips To Get High Scores On The GED Science Test 


3.1. Read the questions carefully


Read the questions carefully before starting reading long paragraphs. This will help you grasp the general idea of what will be asked as well as know what to look for in the passage. 


Read the paragraph carefully until you find essential information. In case you end up reading the whole passage, just go through the question one more time. When re-reading the question, you may recall the relevant information. 


In case you need to re-read the passage, don’t read the entire passage. You only need to locate the information that you need. 


When you feel that you’re spending too much time (about more than 1 minute) on finding the answer to one question, just guess and move to the next question. Mark that question and you can come back to answer it later. 


3.2. Eliminate obviously wrong answers first


Even when you can’t find the correct answer right away, try to get rid of those answers of which you know they are obviously incorrect. 


Wrong answers are often irrelevant or contradicts the given data. Once you’ve removed the definitely wrong answers, you will have more chances to select the correct answer since you’ve got just two options to choose from instead of four. 


3.3. Focus on the big picture


The GED Science test evaluates your general knowledge of the major topics. You are required to firmly grasp the general concepts and understand how they work. 


You don’t need to know every detail. Specific information will be provided in the given stimulus that comes with every question. That’s where you are able to find the details. 


Of course, you need to get accustomed to a variety of science concepts on which the questions are based; however, there is no need to memorize a lot of details. 


Additionally, there’s no need to have a thorough understanding of various subject fields which are covered on the GED Science test. You only need to hold basic science-level knowledge to ace on the test. 


3.4. Answer every question and pace yourself


Like other GED subject tests, the GED Science test is a timed one. You are given 90 minutes (1.5 hours) to finish the entire questions on the test. 


If you don’t know the correct answer right away, just skip that question and go back to answer it later by using the prediction. Also, if you find a paragraph or diagram too intricate, just leave it and come back later. 


Time-management skills are of great importance when taking any test. Learning to pace yourself is an integral part of your GED preparation. Keep in mind that you will not be penalized for answering questions wrongly; therefore, complete all questions before submitting. 


3.5. Get to know science formulas


When studying to get all sets for the GED Science test, it is necessary to get acclimatized to formulas. Many students are making efforts to memorize these formulas, but just memorizing them is not sufficient. 


You will be given most science formulas; nevertheless, you have to retain some physical formulas; so, practice by solving them in practice tests. If you do that, you will comprehend the formulas better and you will also get familiar with them. 


Follow this GED Science study guide and take practice tests on our website, you can enhance your knowledge and skills. 


3.6. Look for trends in given data


Lots of data will be provided in tables and graphs. You’ll probably not be needing all of the data to be able to solve the question, yet it is pivotal to learn to see and identify the relationship between those numbers. 


Try to discover both direct and indirect relationships that can have between all elements in a table. This way, you can have more ability to answer questions related to the given variables. 


3.7. Be careful with the highlight tool


You will encounter a highlighting tool on the GED Science subject test. This tool can be utilized to highlight passages as you’re reading them. 


However, using this highlighting tool is sometimes a time-consuming and time-wasting distraction. It will be more effective if you would simply utilize your notebooks to jot down some notes. 


We’ve provided everything you need to know about the GED Science test in this GED Science study guide. We hope that it will be useful to those who are about to sit for the test.