Language Arts is one of the four important subtests that make up the GED exam. You are compulsory to pass the Language Arts to attain a GED certificate. Follow this article to get a comprehensive GED Language Arts study guide which provides everything you need to know about this subject test. 


1. GED Language Arts Structure


On the GED Language Arts, you will be tested on the ability of comprehending English grammar, writing coherently, and reading efficiently and critically. The subtest includes text selections across a wide range of genres, reading difficulties and styles. Fictional works are especially emphasized (with 75 percent), while fictional works account for 25 percent. You can enhance your knowledge by referring to some materials of U.S. history such as the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Passages on the exam have the length from 450 to 900 words. 


ged language arts study guide
ged language arts study guide


Like other GED subject tests, the GED Language Arts comprises multiple components. The writing section has two portions including essay and multiple-choice questions (with an average of 50 questions in length). You will be given 45 minutes to deal with the essay part. 

The reading section has 40 multiple-choice questions. With each passage, you will be asked from 4 to 8 questions corresponding to the text. 

Both sections of the test assess examinees’ specific category of knowledge. On the reading portion, you will be tested on several areas such as Synthesis, Comprehension, Analysis, and Application of written information. The writing portion gauges your understanding of Mechanics, Organization, Usage and Sentence Structure. Usage and Sentence Structure occupy about 30 percent, Mechanics 25 percent and Organization 15 percent.

Read more: GED Math Study Guide


2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About The GED Language Arts


2.1. Is the GED Language Arts test hard?


The GED Language Arts test covers both reading and writing sections. Additionally, you must complete it under time pressure. Nevertheless, the test will not be too hard if you have a thorough preparation for it. 


2.2. How long does the GED Language Arts take?


The GED Language Arts lasts for 150 minutes (or 2 hours and 30 minutes) with a 10-minute break between sections 2 and 3.


2.3. How can I prepare for the GED Language Arts test?


prepare for the ged language arts test
prepare for the ged language arts test


There are many ways to prepare for the GED Language Arts test, of which is going to our website GED Practice Test to do our FREE GED Language Arts practice test. Our website features thousands of GED Language Arts practice questions which will help familiarize you with what to expect on the test. In addition, our website provides dozens of video lessons which give you a deeper understanding of each subtopic.  Additionally, attending in-person classes is also a great option. 

>>> See Also: How to write a good Ged essay ?


2.4. How many questions do I need to answer correctly to pass the GED Language Arts?


The GED Language Test is 150 minutes long and has about 53 questions from 3 main categories: Grammar, Reading, and Writing.

On the GED Language Art test, you will be required to write an essay. The score of the Language Arts test accounts for 20% of the entire one. The test comprises questions from three categories: Reading (45%), Writing (35%) and Grammar (20%). 

If the essay section is your strength and you can earn the maximum score, you need to answer 32 questions correctly. If you get zero point in your essay, you need to answer 42 questions correctly. 


2.5. How will my essay be scored?


Your GED essay will be assessed based on three areas:

  • Clarity and command of standard English conventions
  • Development of ideas and organizational structure.
  • Analysis of arguments and use of evidence


2.6. How can I gain a high score on my GED essay?


  • Make an outline before writing to organize your thoughts
  • Put topic sentences at the beginning of the paragraph. This will help to separate your ideas and keep your argument organized. 
  • Use logical transitions words/ phrases to naturally connect two paragraphs. 
  • Utilize correct spelling and proper grammar 
  • Utilize various sentence structures and incorporate suitable, advanced vocabulary. 


3. Tips To Ace The GED Language Arts


To obtain a high score on the GED Language Arts test, apart from thoroughly understanding the structure, you also should know how to apply tips while taking the test. Follow the top eight tips below:

Click HERE to download the official GED Language Arts Study Guide.


3.1. Simulate The Test Conditions By Taking Practice Tests


One of the best ways to ace the GED Language Arts test is taking practice tests. Taking practice tests can help you get acclimatized with the test format, time durations and gives you a clear idea of what you could be asked on the test day. Additionally, you can learn from mistakes from practice tests, then you can avoid them on the actual test. 

Our website and app, GED Practice Test offer you opportunities to practice thousands of test-like practice questions FREE. Let’s start your journey of conquering the GED certificate with us!


3.2. Create brain space 


Before the test day, don’t study too much, spend time unwinding. Overthinking, overstudying and stress may cause you forget what you have learned. Creating a breathing space will help your brain calm and you will not have to overthink. 

Besides, having healthy meals is also of importance. Maintain a healthy diet!

Make sure to arrive at the testing site at least 15 minutes earlier than the schedule. Don’t forget to bring required identification and documents to the testing location. 


3.3. Read as much as possible 


An effective way to obtain knowledge for the GED Language Arts exam is reading. The Internet and books are great sources to read. Reading a lot can help to expand your understanding and gain more vocabulary and grammar tips. You are recommended to read a variety of books such as history, fiction, non-fiction or even grammar books. 


the ged language arts exam is reading


While taking the GED Language Arts test, you should read the passages carefully since the answer is in the text. Becoming an analytical reader can make you excel in this section. 


3.4. Always use process of elimination


Trying to guess the 1 correct answer out of 4 is not an ideal way. Instead, it is advisable to analyze each answer choice and determine which answers can be obviously wrong, then narrow it down more and more until one choice is left. By doing that, you will be more likely to select the correct answer. 


3.5. Predict an answer


Predicting answers is one effective technique that can give you more chances to choose the correct answer. Prior to looking at the answer choices, predict your own answer based on the text. This will help you to save your time. Don’t waste time considering answer choices. Use your prediction to give correct answers. 


3.6. Read the questions carefully


Reading questions carefully is a prerequisite to give the correct answers. You are recommended to read questions twice. Some students may be trapped since they read the questions too quickly. A question is sometimes incorrectly answered because students misunderstand some terms. 

Also bear in mind that you shouldn’t read questions too much since they are often straightforward. Your common sense answer is usually the best answer. 


3.7. Answer easy questions first


Don’t waste time on questions that you don’t know the correct answers to. Instead of wasting time on these questions, you should skip them and move ahead to deal with questions that you know clearly their correct answers. After finishing all questions which are easy to you, you can go back to answer questions you skipped. Maybe other questions will offer you hints and boost your confidence to select the correct answers. 


3.8. Answer all of the questions


Make sure that you complete all questions. Even when you don’t know answers to some questions, make your predictions to choose one option. You will not be penalized for giving wrong answers. When you need to guess, you can get rid of one or two choices which are clearly incorrect. When just two remaining options are left, you will be more likely to choose the correct one.