Which of the following are equivalent to 4{(2 + 28) + 2(4 + 7)}
I: 8{(1 + 14) + 2(4 + 7)}
II: 4{(2 + 28) + (8 + 14)}
III: 2{2(2 + 28) + 4(4 + 7)}


Option I is not equivalent because 2(4+7) is unchanged even though we have 8 outside the curly brackets {} instead of the original 4.
In option II, 2 is multiplied in the bracket (4+7) to get (8+14) and the rest is unchanged. So it is equivalent expression.
In option III, 2 is multiplied in the curly brackets{} to leave only 2 outside it instead of 4 and a 2 appears outside the bracket (2+28) and a 4, instead of 2, appears outside the bracket (4+7). So, it is also an equivalent expression.

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