Which equation runs through points (1,6) and (-1,2)?


Slope, m, is defined as rise over run or the vertical distance between two points divided by the horizontal distance between the same points.
To compute for m in the problem:
m = (6-2)/1-(-1) = 4/2 = 2
The straight-line equation in the slope-intercept form applies, that is:
y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the value of y when x=0
Initially, we know that the equation will be something like this:
y = 2x + b
But we need to know “b” which we compute by plugging either of the points given:
If we use (-1,2): y = 2x + b
2 = 2(-1) + b
b = 2 + 2 = 4
Therefore, the correct equation is:
y = 2x + 4
TIP: you can check by using the other given point (1,6).

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