Joe earns \( \$13.50\) an hour when he works on weekdays and time-and-a-half per hour when he works on the weekend. Last week, he worked 40 hours Monday through Friday and 6 hours on Saturday. How much did he earn for the week?


To determine Joe’s time-and-a-half pay rate, divide \(\$13.50\) by 2 (\(\$6.75\) ) and add to the\( \$13.50\) he usually makes per hour. His time-and-a-half rate is \(\$20.25\). Multiply \( \$13.50\) by 40, and then multiply \(\$20.25\) by 6. Finally, add these two figures together:

\(\$ 13.50 \times 40=\$ 540\)
\(\$ 20.25 \times 6=\$ 121.50\)
\(\$ 540+\$ 121.50=\$ 661.50\)

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