A nickel weighs about 5 grams. What is the weight in kilograms of the nickels in a bag that contains \(\$150 \)worth of nickels?


There are 20 nickels in \( \$1\). Multiply 20 by \( \$150\) to find the number of nickels in \(\$150\).
\(20 \times \$150 = 3,000\) nickels
Multiply 3,000 by 5 (the weight of 1 nickel in grams) to find how many grams 3,000 nickels weigh.
\(3,000 \times 5 = 15,000\) g
The question asks how many kilograms the nickels weigh, so divide 15,000 by 1,000 (the number of grams in 1 kilogram).

\(15,000 \div 1,000 = 15\)

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